Setup the development environment

Start as developer

Build Requirements:

jdk 1.8.* Maven 3.4 or newer


# clone the repo:
git clone`
# switch to the checkout
cd openvalidation
# compile and test the sources
mvn clean package

Building and Testing

Build the project via Maven

mvn clean install


mvn clean package

Building with maven will automatically run all tests with the default profile. Every change should pass integration tests, you can run them via the integration profile:

mvn test -Pintegration

If you encounter problems running integration tests

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M3:test (default-test) on project openvalidation-core: There are test failures.

try limiting maven fork count to 0:

mvn -Pintegration test -DforkCount=0

Refer to this ticket for more details.

Generate and run integrations tests (standalone)

To generate integration tests, use GeneratorCLI, the CLI will require 2 or 3 parameters:

  • Path to the test resource file folder (default OpenValidation/openvalidation-integration-tests/src/test/resources)

  • Path to generate test Classes to (default OpenValidation/openvalidation-integration-tests/target)

  • (optional) target language identifier. This currently only generates for the validators, and not the models, but can be used to generate a great number of integration tests.

After generating the files, these can be run via io.openvalidation.integration.tests.IntegrationTestsRunner (most IDEs require you to mark OpenValidation\openvalidation-integration-tests\target\generated-test-sources\java as generated sources folder, so your builder can discover them)

When changing tests, a manual delete of the contents of OpenValidation\openvalidation-integration-tests\target\generated-test-sources\java might be needed, as only files with a reference in test cases will be overwritten. We recommend setting up your IDE to delete the contents of that folder every time you re-generate the tests.

Data types in integration tests

We strongly recommend the usage of decimal number types for numbers in integration tests. Following example schema ({value:1.0} and {value:1}) will generate different Models. If no decimal point is specified, an integer will be generated as model data type. These integers are subject to the usual arithmetic operation limitations that the target language provides (i.e. in java, all divisions and datatype conversions will round down any decimal points, so 1.5 + 1.5 equal 2 will be true).

Coding Guidelines


This project uses java.util.logging.Logger for displaying runtime information.


  • Level.FINE: Exception Stacktraces, Background Information for Exceptions in Tests

  • Level.SEVERE: Parameter Informaton that caused exception, Exception Error Message

Code Documentation

The project uses these guidelines for JavaDoc comments in source files.


We use the format-maven-plugin during build which makes use of google-java-format to enforce consisten formatting across the codebase.

To trigger autoformat manually run mvn com.coveo:fmt-maven-plugin:format in the project root directory.


The Checkstyle Maven Plugin can be run via mvn checkstyle:check. It uses a modified google java style configuration.

Code Generation

Add new functions to HUMLFramework

Please refer to HUMLFramework Contribution.

Last updated